Mama circle
Are you pregnant (like me!) and would you in the coming weeks like to: Share with others Connect with your innate power Clear blockages and unhelpful patterns Prepare for a free birth And above all [...]
Jeff Foster: “Trauma, thank you for protecting me”
TRAUMA, THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING ME Here's the main thing you have to understand about trauma: it wants to keep you hidden. Why? It's trying to protect you. It's only ever trying to keep you [...]
Ademdag • Lekker in je vel: zondag 20 maart 2022 in Driebergen
Doe je mee? Binnenkort organiseer ik weer de ademdag Lekker in je vel. Je gaat een hele dag op nieuwe manieren ademen en bewegen. Er zitten twee sessies bewust verbonden ademen in, ieder in een [...]
Dit is er mis met ‘jezelf positioneren als expert’
Nee, ik ga mezelf niet als expert positioneren. Want er is iets grondig mis met die aanpak. Het venijn zit ‘m in het woord ‘positioneren’. Ik wil mezelf dan publiekelijk neerzetten als expert. Dat betekent [...]
Heerlijk vezelrijk noten-zadenbrood met venkelzaad
Een tijdje geleden was ik op retraite bij Eva Driessen. Daar kregen we door keukenprinses Hilde de Leeuw een fantastisch noten-zadenbrood voorgeschoteld. In mijn zoektocht om dat heerlijke brood na te maken, vond ik online [...]
Mijn lievelingssmoothie voor herstel na het hardlopen
Hardlopen maakt me blij. Het helpt me bij bijna alles. Het is namelijk de ene sleutel waarmee ik iedere negatieve spiraal kan doorbreken: snoep ik te veel? Hardlopen maakt dat ik er geen zin meer [...]
Ademdag • Lekker in je vel: 15 februari 2022 in Driebergen
Doe je mee? Binnenkort organiseer ik de ademdag Lekker in je vel. Je gaat een hele dag op nieuwe manieren ademen en bewegen. Er zitten twee sessies bewust verbonden ademen in, ieder in een heel [...]
Ademwerk in groepen
In deze prachtige yurt (en ook op andere plekken) begeleid ik deze herfst en winter regelmatig adem- en lichaamswerk voor (besloten) groepen. Ik merk zelf en hoor terug hoe er zich een eigen stijl vormt. [...]
Pompoen en andere wintergroenten van de bakplaat
Dit recept combineert de briljante patate schiacciate met heerlijke wintergroenten uit de oven. Het is een supermakkelijke tip voor een vegan maaltijd met pompoen, ideaal voor de koudere dagen. Nog een handjevol sla erbij en [...]
Edamame (sojaboontjes) als gezonde snack
Zin in een gezond tussendoortje? Kook of stoom een handvol peulen van de sojaplant, bestrooi ze met grofgemalen zout en waan je helemaal in Aziatische sferen! Dit Aziatische bijgerecht/gezonde tussendoortje is al jaren ook razend [...]
Gele curry met spinazie en kikkererwten
Klaar in 15 minuten, met maar 5 ingrediënten (plus water en bakvet). Giet een blik kikkererwten af, spoel ze met water en bak ze aan in olie tot je ze hoort ‘poppen’. Prak ze grof [...]
Trauma, je lichaam en je adem
Dit is een eerste post over een onderwerp dat me persoonlijk bijzonder aan het hart gaat: trauma. In mijn ogen zou traumawerk de wereld kunnen redden. Zelfs als je niet echt trauma's hebt ;). Ook [...]
Boektip: Permacultuur in je moestuin
Sinds ik geïnteresseerd raakte in permacultuur heb ik vele video's gekeken (bijvoorbeeld deze), een gratis online introductiecursus permacultuur gedaan, overal waar ik kwam mijn ogen en oren gebruikt om meer te leren én alvast een [...]
Deze permacultuur-video geeft mij hoop voor de toekomst van onze planeet
Toen ik deze video ongeveer een jaar geleden voor het eerst zag, was ik sprakeloos. Het werd me duidelijk hoe zeer oplossingen voor het grijpen liggen, als we maar de juiste acties nemen. Ik hoop [...]
Toch geen tiny house voor ons bij Calimero
Deng. Het plan waarvoor wij een aantal maanden lang helemaal gingen, gaat voor ons niet door. Jan en ik zijn afgelopen week uit Calimero gestapt. De vereiste investering is significant gestegen ten opzichte van de [...]
Uitstraling & aantrekkingskracht: over eerlijke sales
Ik geloof in echt. En echt staat vaak op gespannen voet met sales. Want ik hou dus niet van behoefte creëren en een gat graven en dat soort dingen, ook al heb ik dat wel [...]
Angst of intuïtie? Een stappenplan.
Stel: je maakt kans op een (leuke?) nieuwe baan. Maar steeds als je er aan denkt, dan voel je je heel ongemakkelijk worden. Je produceert gedachten zoals: kan ik dit wel, wat als het misgaat? [...]
Innerlijk weten
Je ego heeft vele stemmen. Je innerlijk weten heeft er maar één. Maar hoe weet je nou welke spreekt? Het is een kwestie van ervaring. En de signalen van je lichaam leren (her)kennen. Zowel je [...]
Meditatie, natuur & stilte
Meditatie, natuur en stilte nodigen je uit om te zijn met wat er vanzelf is, en de rest weg te laten. Dat is soms nog een hele kunst. Het kan zo aanlokkelijk zijn om de leegte direct te vullen met gedachten, beweging, geluid enz. Maar in de loop van de tijd heb ik gemerkt dat de stilte juist ging roepen, en dat de natuur haar rijkdom en immense wijsheid juist toont als ik me ervoor beschikbaar maak. Meditatie helpt me om in mildheid te kijken naar alles wat er is. Niet alleen in aangewezen momenten, maar juist als levenshouding.
Dit artikel maakt deel uit van de reeks 3 dingen die mijn leven veranderden (en mijn onderneming voeden): Persoonlijk leiderschap Bewustzijnswerk (lees je nu) Meditatie, natuur & stilte Bewustzijnswerk Bewustzijnswerk is innerlijk werk waarin je [...]
Persoonlijk leiderschap
Persoonlijk leiderschap is je vermogen om je eigen gedrag en reacties te bepalen. Een innerlijke houding te kiezen die ondersteunend is aan jezelf. Keuzes te maken afgestemd op je eigen waarden. In helderheid en harmonie te leven met jezelf en je omgeving. In contact te zijn met je diepste, vrije kern en van daar uit te handelen. Je kunt persoonlijk leiderschap ontwikkelen door je angsten aan te kijken, door te onderkennen hoe je jezelf saboteert en nieuw gedrag aan te leren, en door beperkende overtuigingen en gevoelens te vervangen door helpende overtuigingen.
3 dingen die mijn leven veranderden (en mijn onderneming voeden)
Als ondernemer ben je allereerst natuurlijk mens. Je komt jezelf steeds tegen in alles wat je doet. Waarschijnlijk draag je nog wat oude angsten, beperkende overtuigingen en littekens met je mee. Ik in elk geval wel. Gelukkig zijn er manieren om daarmee te werken. En als je dat doet, dan gebeurt er iets ‘magisch’, wat juist helemaal niet magisch is maar universele realiteit: alles begint in je voordeel te werken. Je ziet je missie helder voor je, beren op de weg veranderen in aaibare knuffeltjes en je dromen komen uit. Huh?
Oven vegetables in pesto sauce
I love using the oven: it's so easy to just mix all the ingredients and have the oven work it's magic. Especially since I became a mother :). Here, I had a big tray of [...]
Green vegan pesto with fresh herbs
Bear leek (EN), daslook (NL), Bärlauch (D). We see it more and more in the 'wild' here in Holland and luckily, in Germany, it is not rare to see entire fields of the 'big leaf [...]
Vegan bacon alternative
I used to love the taste of crunchy bacon. Now that I eat mostly vegan, I truly don't fancy the pig aspect so much anymore. But the chewy, crunchy, salty part... yum! I'm always open [...]
Meditatie, natuur & stilte
Dit artikel maakt deel uit van de reeks 3 dingen die mijn leven veranderden (en mijn onderneming voeden). Hier zijn de andere delen: Persoonlijk leiderschap Bewustzijnswerk Meditatie, natuur & stilte (lees je nu) Meditatie, natuur [...]
Persoonlijk leiderschap
Persoonlijk leiderschap is je vermogen om je eigen gedrag en reacties te bepalen. Een innerlijke houding te kiezen die ondersteunend is aan jezelf. Keuzes te maken afgestemd op je eigen waarden. In helderheid en harmonie te leven met jezelf en je omgeving. In contact te zijn met je diepste, vrije kern en van daar uit te handelen.
3 dingen die mijn leven veranderden (en mijn onderneming voeden)
Als ondernemer ben je allereerst natuurlijk mens. Je komt jezelf steeds tegen in alles wat je doet. Waarschijnlijk draag je nog wat oude angsten, beperkende overtuigingen en littekens met je mee. Ik in elk geval [...]
Blood orange & coconut chia pudding
Delicious and simple. (You can make this recipe with plant-based milk and coconut 'yoghurt' OR use 1 can of organic fairtrade coconut cream without emulsifier. Use the coconut water from the can for the pudding [...]
Sweet potato stuffed vegetables
A perfect example of a vegan dish which has everything you need in a healthy diet. Vegetables, legumes, nuts: fibers, vitamins, healthy carbs and fats. Different textures ensure a rich meal experience! 3-5 small sweet [...]
Met kinderen is alles een spelletje
Heb jij vaak strijd met je kleine over dingen als eten, aankleden en opschieten? Het wordt leuker en gaat vaak (maar niet altijd) ook nog eens sneller als je er een spelletje van maakt.
Potato crush… crunch!
Or, as the Italians would say: PATATE SCHIACCIATE. But that second word looks pretty daunting so I'll leave it at potatoe crush, because that's what happened to my beloved when he had his first bite [...]
Beetroot & blueberry smoothie bowl
I tend to have food phases, where I eat lots of the same type of food for some time, then move on to something else, and return to it some time later. A while ago [...]
‘We do not need a pandemic to #movethedate’ (maar het helpt wel)
"In 2020, the pandemic-induced lockdown measures around the world slowed human activity down. As a consequence, the date of Earth Overshoot Day – when humanity has used as much ecological resources as the planet’s natural [...]
Adem jezelf gezond
“In zoverre een aandoening veroorzaakt wordt door stress, in zoverre kan hij worden teruggedraaid door ontspanning.” Dat zeg ik niet alleen, maar vele holistische gezondheidswerkers en óók de Harvard School for Mind Body Medicine. The [...]
Ja, jij wilt een pannenkoek. Tip voor liefdevol grenzen aangeven.
Huilend: "Neeeeee! Ik wil een PANNENKOEK!" "Ja, jij wilt een pannenkoek." Zachter huilend: "Jaaaaaaa." "En je krijgt nu geen pannenkoek. We eten straks thuis stamppot. Wil je nu een boterham?" "Ja." Wait, what? Really? Ik [...]
Levelen met je kind: sensitief-responsief reageren
Je kind wil wat van het aanrecht pakken (mag niet), pakt een stoel, klimt er op en reikt veel te ver voorover (risico) - de stoel kiept om. Kind gevallen, huilen, auw! Hoe reageer je? [...]
Wholewheat bread with pumpkin seeds, raisins & banana
I love bread, especially wholewheat with lots of seeds. Really good bread tastes best with only olive oil and salt, some salted butter or even just as it is. At my daughter's kindergarten, they bake [...]
ABC-smoothie bowl (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot & more)
I've had this smoothie for breakfast almost every day in the last two weeks. Temporary crazes are part of my life :). This healthy red smoothie recipe is based on (and an extension of) the [...]
Professionele hulp bij het (zelf?) bouwen van je tiny house
In een prachtige samenloop heeft zich juist nu een tinyhousebouwer en -adviseur bij mij gemeld om zijn website te maken: Joris Boons van My Tiny Home. Hij heeft eerst mijn online cursus Impact met je [...]
(Maxi-)Tiny houses in Ewijk: Ecowieck en CPO Calimero
Wie mijn blog volgt, weet dat we hopen in te stromen bij een gaaf ecowonenproject: het tinyhouse-initiatief van CPO Calimero. In deze blog een paar essentials en links voor wie meer wil weten. Beuningen energieneutraal [...]
Onze voorstelvideo voor het tinyhouseproject
"Hebben jullie nog steeds interesse én voldoe je aan alle voorwaarden? Dan willen we voor 1 december een voorstelvideo van jullie hebben van maximaal 2 minuten!" Dat was zo'n beetje de afsluiter van de grote [...]
De online bijeenkomst van CPO Calimero / Ecowieck
De online bijeenkomst van het tinyhouseproject van Calimero in de Ecowieck in Ewijk was voor ons tegelijk een groot succes én een teleurstelling. Een succes omdat het goed georganiseerd was, soepel liep, informatief en levendig [...]
De start van ons Tiny House-avontuur
Even voorstellen? Wij zijn Jan, Judith en Lua (2018). Misschien kom je al langer op mijn blog, maar er is een goeie kans dat dit je eerste kennismaking is. Daarom even iets over ons in [...]
We zijn van nature sociaal (Jean Liedloff: The Continuum Concept)
"Je krijgt in het leven wat je verwacht, niet wat je wilt." - Jean Liedloff Een mooie video over hoe je kinderen voedt met nabijheid, aanraking en de essentiële gewoonte om ze zelf de wereld [...]
Chocolate Mango (beans & carrots!) No-Bake Cake
Yesterday was my birthday. I spent the whole day in the kitchen before moving all the dishes over to my mom's place who had graciously offered to host the family birthday party. It was a [...]
Durf jij je kind te laten lijden?
Oh, dat klinkt verschrikkelijk: je kind laten lijden. En wat ik natuurlijk vooral niet bedoel, is dat je je kind wat aandoet. Maar wat als je kindje is gevallen, pijn heeft, geschrokken is en huilt? [...]
Bewust verbonden ademen: techniek en effecten
Als je bekend bent met ademwerk, heb je waarschijnlijk wel eens gehoord van de bewuste verbonden ademhaling. Je kent het misschien onder een andere naam, maar de basistechniek is deze: 1. Ontspan je kaak, open [...]
You are not vulnerable
The joy when you were five and got a new bicycle. The shock when you broke your arm when you were eight. The thrill of your first kiss on your fifteenth birthday party. The pride [...]
Je bent niet kwetsbaar
Het geluk toen je vijf was en een nieuwe fiets kreeg. De schrik toen je je arm brak op je achtste. De spanning van je eerste zoen op dat feestje toen je vijftien werd. De [...]
The Work of Byron Katie: a beautiful example for changemakers
In this enlightening and entertaining video, you'll see The Work by Byron Katie applied by a woman who holds strong grudges towards the meat industry. She quickly realises how her negative thoughts are preventing her [...]
Start with a sigh (breathe in…… let go)
Did you know that only breathing IN requires effort? Breathing out is simply a release. How it works: Breathing in, the diaphragm contracts, pulling down into the belly, creating a vacuüm in the lungs which [...]
We are social by nature (Jean Liedloff: The Continuum Concept)
"You get what you expect in life, not what you want." - Jean Liedloff A beautiful video about nurturing your kids with proximity, touch and the crucial practice of letting them explore the world by [...]
The 4-8 relaxation breath
I'm sure you have heard of the fight or flight response. That's when your adrenaline spikes, sending superhuman power to your arms and feet and razor sharp focus to your mind set to one thing: [...]
Conscious connected breathing: technique and effects
If you are familiar with breathwork, you have probably heard of the conscious connected breath. You may know it by a different name, but the basic technique is this: 1. Relax your jaw, open wide [...]
Parenting with Presence (book tip)
A little while ago, a friend had been cradling our then 13 month old daughter as she was struggling to sleep. "She required nothing but complete presence," he said afterwards, "or she would cry." Indeed, [...]
Chocolate Mango (beans & carrots!) No-Bake Cake
Yesterday was my birthday. I spent the whole day in the kitchen before moving all the dishes over to my mom's place who had graciously offered to host the family birthday party. It was a [...]
Water pouring into water
Pondering the unspeakable And how to speak of it A thought comes: Life gave me life Water pouring into water Snap Visionary imagery Curtain radiant with being Then stillness - Timeless unity One an instant [...]
The Peace Portal
I wanted to share something with you which has changed my life and could change yours. Have you ever heard of The Presence Process? It's a book. And more than that, (you guessed it) it's [...]
Breastfeeding and the circle of life
"It is pretty wonderful, this life cycle. I always found it interesting, how food is made and seeds grow and sunshine and rain become nutrition and we can eat and poo and seeds grow and [...]
Breastfeeding in mindfulness
Breastfeeding is a beautiful moment between me and my baby. A precious moment to rest, connect, and exchange. During breastfeeding, there is a direct energy connection between the baby and mother. Skins touch, hormones soar, [...]
Liberated from prison
One of my teachers, the beloved Ananta Kranti, was liberated while doing time in a Japanese prison. The intense regime and extremely limited freedom led her to finding peace within herself, a limitless place underneath [...]
Suffering and the meaning of life
A couple of days ago I read Sacha Post's post about asking yourself your Most Important Questions. In it, he recommends intentionally asking the Most Important Question (MIQ) that is alive in you right now, [...]
Live your questions (Rilke quote)
I love this poem, which is not really a poem but a piece taken from a letter from Rilke to a young friend. It opens the space for the creative power of life to answer [...]
My favorite animation of conception & baby growing in the womb
When we had just found out I was pregnant, we found this video on Youtube. It is a beautiful animation not just of the fetus growing in the womb but also of the conception itself. [...]
3 breath visualisations: ease your mind, open your heart, step into action
Three breathful visualisations for you today: Ease your mind Open your heart Step into action You can choose to do them separately as you see fit or combine and include them in your morning routine [...]
Stop believing your mind (read The Untethered Soul)
“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind - you are the one who hears it.” ― Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The [...]
Diapers: cloth or disposable?
In short: we use both. We've had cloth diapers from the start but ended up hardly using them at first because (even in size S) they looked very large on our little girl. Although she [...]
Use your B.R.A.I.N.
This video actually comes from the hypnobirthing online course that we took but it is a life hack for everybody, not just parents-to-be :). In short, the lesson is: whenever you are presented with a [...]
The Positive Birth Company online hypnobirthing course rocks
I will share about our 'positive birth' in detail at a later time, but here is a golden tip for any pregnant couple wanting to prepare for a smooth birth: buy the Positive Birth Company [...]
Breast feeding: clear and wonderful how-to video
This is a wonderful video. It is very helpful for an important part of parenting: feeding your baby the very best nutrition available and nurturing the most beautiful, essential bond there is. (Yes I am [...]
Dunstan Baby Language: it works
According to Priscilla Dunstan and a group of researchers who back her personal findings, babies all over the world make a select group of sounds for certain situations such as discomfort, needing to burp and [...]
Diaper free (Dutch: BZC)
Most baby’s around the world don’t wear diapers and while many people don’t know it yet, a baby of around 1-2 years with full control over their pelvic floor muscles is very normal in many [...]
Conscious activism
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - Gandhi Conscious activism is enlightened activism. It is acting from love. As long as I sense hatred in my heart towards [...]
Raw tomato and bell pepper gazpacho
One delicious daily dose of veggies in a cup 🙂 1 tomato 1/2 bell pepper 1 small garlic clove 4 basil leaves 1/2 teaspoon dried Italian herbs 1 sundried tomato 1 date 1 tablespoon of [...]
Kale chips
If you have never tried these, please do! So simple and delicious. And healthy! Great for iron. Just go easy on the salt. Massage the kale with a few drops of vegetable oil, then spread [...]
Simple vegetarian broccoli lasagne
Honestly, when preparing this I forgot to add the vegetarian 'minced meat' and it was still delicious. Would also be great with mushrooms! Find your own, buy fresh or soak dried mushrooms from your stock. [...]
Tortellini carbonara with fresh parasol mushroom and zucchini
We found a beautiful bunch of parasol mushrooms (in Dutch: grote parasolzwammen) in a neighbor's garden. She was super friendly and gave us one, after we explained how delicious they supposedly were - although we [...]
Popped chestnuts
Great news! Autumn has come (in my part of the world) and that means it's time for mushrooms and chestnuts. I love Autumn for its abundance in foods, colors and weather types ?. Plus it [...]
Bliss balls with walnuts and honey
An easy way to serve something special: bliss balls! These are nutrient rich, filling little snacks and they look wonderful. You can vary them endlessly. I happened to have pineapple juice and decided to boil [...]
Vegan sushi salad bowl
Not sure I am even really allowed to use the word sushi here, as it has not so much to do with highly skillful processing of raw fish but all the more with combining the [...]
Golden oat milk
A winner combo: homemade oat milk with turmeric (kurkuma). The health benefits of turmeric are abundant, just search the web and you'll find lots of info. One of the favorite ways of taking it, is [...]
Baked apple with cinnamon
Delicious, old fashioned, simple: my love came up with these when he remembered one of the favorite dishes his mother used to serve when he was little. I took the liberty to add walnuts, hope [...]
Bell pepper, apple & mint salad with avocado
Light and fresh ? Slice bell pepper, cucumber and avocado, chop apple and thinly cut mint leaves. Combine everything and top with thin shallot rings, if you like that. My love preferred it without and [...]
Oat milk
Cheap and simple. Once you get the hang of it, it will only take 15 minutes to make a liter (or more) of delicious oat milk, way cheaper than any store bought brand will bring [...]
Oven roasted prebiotic vegetables
Prebiotic vegetables create a favorable climate in your gut for probiotics (good bacteria) to grow. Among prebiotic vegetables are: leek, onion, garlic, chicory and fennel. This dish has leek, fennel and chicory. The white and [...]
Buckwheat risotto with green vegetables and herbs
A new favorite: buckwheat risotto! Healthy, heartfelt, full of flavors, absolutely lovely and so easy, too! Serves 2-3 Boil about 1 liter of vegetable stock. You could make your own, I use organic instant stock [...]
Coconut cookies: 2 ingredients, 20 minutes no-fail recipe
Who would have thought I could make my own favorite cookies at home within a few minutes, in a vegan variety with no additives and it easily wins from the supermarket variety? Add 100ml condensed [...]
Indonesian style green beans and broccoli
The Dutch kitchen has been blessed with many foreign influences, making our palette a lot more interesting than it would have been if we'd stayed with 'our own' boring variations on mashed potatoes, kale and [...]
Frozen fruit, blender… ice cream deluxe
This is just incredible. So easy, delicious and dare I say... healthy! Definitely a winner. It started when I wanted to recreate vanilla ice from frozen banana slices. I simply put the banana slices in [...]
Easy one bowl veggie & egg dish
Hey ho, today I thought I'd share a shakshuka-inspired dish with you. I got to know shakshuka as an Israeli dish where you break and boil eggs in a delicious tomato sauce and serve with [...]
Semi-homemade coconut yoghurt with berries and mint
Enjoy yoghurt with a coconut twist, or use a non-dairy alternative. This is super simple and nice. I love adding dried coconut to my (soy) yoghurt. Let it sit in the fridge for some time; [...]
Spicy rice patties
Have some leftover rice? Great! Let's make patties :). Patties are a great way to use leftover anything: rice, couscous, vegetables: chop together with an egg, spice it up and enjoy your own homemade brilliant [...]
Easy Summer party dish: tastefully grilled veggies
A grill pan is one of my favorite cooking 'tools': it's fast, easy and healthy and the food looks beautiful. Try this: chop some garlic and let sit in olive oil for some time. Cut [...]
Chick pea and apple side salad with tahin
Combine chick peas, thinly sliced celery stalks, apple and capers in a bowl. Add olive oil, pepper, salt and lemon juice to taste. For dressing, use 2 parts white tahini stirred with 1 part water, [...]
1-minute vegan banana chocolate ice cream
Here’s a cool trick: slice a banana and freeze. When you feel like having ice cream, put the banana slices in a blender with a spoonful of cacao powder, a couple of dates and a [...]
Mean & green
Stinging nettles everywhere! This is a forager’s feast. I’ve made nettle pesto, nettle garlic butter, nettle soup, nettle tea and nettle smoothie in the past week or so. Stinging nettles (brandnetels): they tickle the kidneys, [...]
Cabbage and bean curry salad with apple
Recipe for cabbage and bean curry salad with appleCombine about 1 spoonful per person of (vegan) mayonnaise with a good dash or two of curry powder and a squeeze of lemon juice. Take whole leaves [...]
Carrot ginger oat sweetbread
This one started with a quick experiment that turned out exceptionally well :). Since then, I've been adding and subtracting ingredients to tweak it to near perfection. Next time, I'll use yeast instead of baking [...]
Blueberry banana overnight oats
A new craze: overnight oats with topping. Dear friend Eva (check her out here: served it last week when we had breakfast together. The basics: soak oats overnight in water or some ‘milk’ (almond, [...]
Prachtige combinaties van Google fonts
Fonts Fonts in je website. Vroeger kon je alleen 'websafe' fonts (=lettertypes) gebruiken: fonts die iedereen op z'n computer had staan. Sáái, want altijd hetzelfde en niet altijd zo mooi. Of je moest een custom [...]
Detox green smoothie
This smoothie is my favorite thing to drink after my morning runs. It clears and replenishes and I feel as if reborn.
Almost-raw quinoa salad with rhubarb
A deliciously fresh, tangy quinoa salad, light and filling. We're used to eating rhubarb sweetened, boiled even to soften it up. But this celery like pink stalk can also be eaten raw and then it [...]
Rhubarb breakfast bowl & ‘very veggie’ smoothie
I like my smoothies creamy yet light and 'very veggie'. My love Jan prefers his filling, nutty and just a hint sweeter than I do. We both often gladly compromise. Other days, we'll create the very fruity/veggie [...]
Colorful stuffed eggs with hummus
A perfect surprise for a potluck: these colorful stuffed eggs. Ingredients: eggs and hummus. Easy-peasy! These were made with store bought hummus by Maza: one with curry, one with beetroot. Hence the amazing colors. Of course, you [...]
The amazing green breakfast bowl – by Simone
I don't mean to be all frantic about green smoothies, but this one actually changed my days. The simple concept of creating a breakfast (or in my case: lunch) bowl out of a smoothie is now a [...]
Chocolate hearts with propolis, cardamom and rose
Want to help save the bees? Check out my post on the super simple and fun things you can do to support the little workers: Bee the change. Bees & propolis Some weeks ago, my colleague, [...]
Bee the change: 1 thing you can do today to save the bees
My friend Fleur Feij (on Instagram here with beautiful photos) is a beekeeper who helps raise awareness for the devastating mass bee killing that is happening around the globe and the ways to save them. I [...]
Bye bye coffee, thanks for everything!
I have always loved my coffee (the smell of the ground beans, the brewing sounds, the heat coming from the cup...), but about three months ago I quit drinking coffee from one day to the next. [...]
You need a system (and so do I)
Fun disclosure: my loved ones will laugh when they read this. As with most of my blogs, I am growing up in public, sharing what works - and doesn't work - for me, hoping it [...]
Oven roasted veggies
Simply delicious. The tomatoes are what makes this dish amazing. They will release some of their fluid, which then blends with the olive oil and gently caramelizes the veggies beneath them. Plus they look stunning.
Growing pains and the art of helping people
Can I sit with someone and let them fully live their experience in the moment, without the need to change it? Sure, there are times to speak up, reach out and even take over. Wisdom, however, is to recognize what is asked for in the moment.
Simple medicine: chamomile
After journeying through tropical Costa Rica and Brazil for months, I thoroughly enjoyed the late Winter snow and early Spring sun rays in Holland during the last couple of weeks. The cold Dutch ground and [...]
Love hard. Pray hard. Kick ass.
"So if you are spiritual and your house is burning down, you yell "Fire!". You don't just say your mantra five times and trust the outcome to God. God needs to be able to trust [...]
Donald Trump: a moment of truth
I wrote this post the day after Donald Trump was elected president, watching many outraged and panicy reactions unfold on social media. That day, I decided to remain silent. Today I'd like to share how [...]
Is je website nog steeds niet live? Lees dit.
Stuur mij direct de gratis minicursus Ben je vol enthousiasme begonnen aan je website, en toen vastgelopen? Dat overkomt veel mensen. Dit artikel vertelt hoe je je website binnen no time in de lucht krijgt [...]
3 supertips over witregels in je WordPress-website
Super-irritant voor de één, een blessing voor de ander: automatische witregels in WordPress. Om met de oplossing te beginnen: TIP 1 - Voor een simpele line break (tekst gaat direct door op de volgende regel) gebruik [...]
Awesome Travel Budget Tracker: Trail Wallet
When I travel, I like to keep track of my budget. It gives me insight and peace of mind, plus I can share some helpful insights later on with fellow travelers who are asking for [...]
Caramelized Pineapple with Rosemary
This mouthwatering, super-simple, delicious dish is also secretly known as: piña puta madre. Now I am not going to translate that, but it's a compliment. I made it yesterday as a side dish for two [...]
Exploring new grounds: Costa Rica (I)
Digital nomading in Costa Rica I landed in Costa Rica a few days ago, where I'll be servicing my clients and creating new ways to make online income, as well as travel, see the country [...]
Waarom ik het Avada WordPress theme gebruik voor mijn websites
Wat is een theme? Als WordPress je huis is, is je theme de inrichting. Dat bepaalt hoe alles eruitziet: licht, donker, speels, robuust, strak, fleurig, zacht of stoer. Je eigen stijl WordPress heeft wel een gratis [...]
Tahini Olive Dip for Raw Veggies
This is a perfect dip to go with raw vegetables such as peppers, celery or carrots. Just delicious. Friend Alani shared the recipe with me back in 2013 already... wow. Thanks man! [...]
Het online visitekaartje: de kern van je zaak
Krachtig in z'n eenvoud Kan het nóg simpeler? Ja! Dus dan doen we dat :). De kracht van het online visitekaartje zit 'm in de eenvoud. Het is opgebouwd volgens een aantal basisregels voor schoonheid, [...]
Zo kies je het perfecte wachtwoord (veilig, makkelijk, vrolijk!)
Makkelijk te onthouden (voor jou), moeilijk te raden (voor hackbots), dat is het perfecte wachtwoord. De tekenaar van XKCD maakte er een strip over met deze ironische boodschap: na jarenlange training maken mensen nu allemaal [...]
Grilled Zucchini with Rosemary and Garlic
Hi loves! Being on the road, I like to work with whatever little means I have to still cook up something great. One of the secrets: OLIVE OIL. Olive oil is magic. It will turn any vegetable, [...]
Wild camping in Serra da Estrela, Portugal 2016 (Summer in a VW campervan VI)
After the amazing Boom Festival 2016, it was time again for silence. Whoever thought silence and nature are boring, think again. Huge rocks, the ice cold air, the vast darkness of the night, the thin [...]
Boom Festival 2016 (Summer in a VW campervan V)
After Santiago de Compostela, we headed further down south to Portugal. The center of our journey was the amazingly beautiful Boom Festival, every second year in the month of August near Lisbon. We spent over a week [...]
Santiago de Compostela (Summer in a VW campervan IV)
After Bilbao, we roamed around in Santiago de Compostela for a few days. The Camino de Santiago (Latin: Peregrinatio Compostellana, Galician: Camiño de Santiago), also known by the English names Way of St. James, St. James's [...]
Bilbao & North Spain coast (Summer in a VW campervan III)
After having visited Ton in France, we went on to the Spanish coast near Bilbao and met up with my childhood friend Joris and his wonderful wife Eider and kids. In the evening, we found [...]
France is for friendship (Summer in a VW campervan II)
Finally, after more than a week of hard work on the VW campervan (Jan) and this new website (me, Judith) we headed south. Starting from the upper north of Germany and with still a long [...]
Emden, Northern Germany (Summer in a VW campervan I)
Moin! I'm in Emden, Ost-Friesland, Northern Germany and here, 'Moin!' is the way to say hi. Update Life has been wild and deep and the blog has been silent for the last couple of months. A new [...]
Sweet & sour curry rice
This was one of those moments when all leftovers matched up to a perfect dish. Should work with a variety of veg and curry pastes, but be sure to add the pineapple (for sweetness) and [...]
In 1 Dag Online met je WordPress-website: de aanpak
Een website maken in 1 dag: met een goede planning en voorbereiding kan dat echt! Hieronder beschrijf ik het geheim van de smid ;). Intakefase: kennismaken en vragenformulier Als we verkennen of we samen jouw [...]
Gratis stockfoto’s voor je website: Pixabay
Mooi plaatje he, bij de blogpost van vandaag? Foto's doen veel voor het uiterlijk van je site. Je kunt er je sfeer mee bepalen. En mensen lezen je copy veel liever als er regelmatig leuke [...]
“Hope is not a business strategy”
Toen ik vroeger nog accountmanager was bij een groot internationaal trainingsbureau, had onze manager EMEA het volgende mantra: "Hope is not a business strategy" En hoewel dat me wat 'koud' en zakelijk in de oren klonk [...]
Tim Ferriss interviewt Seth Godin
Hier is een interview van Tim Ferriss met Seth Godin, twee grote voorbeelden op het gebied van ondernemen, avonturieren en sociaal/moreel bewust marketen. Zeer de moeite waard, want verfrissend om de intelligente, wakkere, warme, succesvolle persoon van [...]
Maak een mailing list
Hoe bereik je als ondernemer nou de juiste mensen? En hoe houd je het contact vervolgens warm? Daar is heeel veel over te zeggen en dat past allemaal niet in één blogpost. Hier en nu [...]
6 redenen om WordPress te gebruiken voor je website
WordPress is een veelzijdig contentmanagementsysteem waar bijna 25% van alle websites ter wereld op draait. Er zijn veel topbedrijven die WordPress for hun websites gebruiken, waaronder Time Magazine, Google, Disney, The New York Times en [...]
Angst en actie: e-book over uitstelgedrag
Veel mensen vertonen soms (of vaak..) uitstelgedrag. Voor mij is omgaan met uitstelgedrag een perfecte reminder om in het hier en nu te zijn. Uitstelgedrag heeft vaak te maken met onbewust aanwezig zijn (vluchten in iets [...]
Wat is de volgende stap?
Wat is de volgende stap? Het is een vraag die ik me regelmatig stel. Als mijn hoofd overloopt van de taken, brengt deze vraag me terug in het NU. En als mijn werk stagneert, helpt [...]
Know your why – video
Terwijl je aan je projecten werkt, is het goed om regelmatig te bezinnen op WAAROM je doet wat je doet. Dit helpt je om bezig te blijven met wat belangrijk voor je is, in plaats [...]
Verander de wereld… maak je bed op
Als je hier bent, ben je waarschijnlijk (zelfstandig) ondernemer. En als ik iets heb geleerd in alle jaren dat ik nu met ondernemers werk, is het dat we bijna allemaal op zoek zijn naar manieren [...]
Firming Coffee Scrub with Coconut, Cinnamon and Cacao (DIY)
Sometimes, my kitchen efforts extend into the bathroom. Like with this heavenly chocolate, which turns out to be a great facial mask if you leave out the salt! And have you ever wondered what to [...]
Spicy Salad with Wasabi, Onion and Black Pepper
Isn't it amazing how the body seems to instinctively know what it needs? This salad has lots of avocado, and also raw onion and wasabi peanuts. That's not something I usually eat, but as it turns out wasabi [...]
Banana Cake with Cranberries and Sunflower Seeds
First time I blended together bananas and eggs was in Thailand, last year. It turned out to be an excellent, nutricious, cheap and easy combo, however I never posted a thing about it and kind of [...]
Super Green Salad with Avocado, Sprouts and Nuts
I'm really happy to have a naturally healthy taste for food. Sometimes I'll hear people say: "Wow, I could just die to have a hamburger right now!" That's not me. Nothing about the juices of dead [...]
Pear, Cranberry & Pecan Salad with Blue Cheese
The Dutch word for yummie is lekker. Remember that one, you'll hear and use it very, very often should you ever spend some time in The Netherlands! With us, yumminess may apply not only to food, but [...]
Coconut Lemongrass Ginger Curry
I threw together this dish which has many different veggies and a light yet tangy curry flavor to enjoy all the goodness of anti-inflammatory ginger, prebiotic onions and fennel, and anti-cancer broccoli, among others. I don't mean to make any health claims here, it just feels extra good to eat this stuff these days and thought I'd share it with you.
Beauty and the invitation to let go
A few days ago I ran into a friend whom I hadn’t seen in over a year. I was delighted to see him, we hugged and exchanged some updates about our lives. I felt vibrant [...]
Easy Fragrant Homemade Crunchy Crust Pizza
Recently I was preparing dinner for a family party of eight. As I wanted to spend lots of time with my loved ones and not so much time in the kitchen, I was looking for [...]
Our deepest fear
Here's a poem I love by Marianne Williamson. ✾ Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light and not our [...]
[Gratis] Design perfecte flyers met Canva
Een tijdje geleden heb ik iets heel moois ontdekt, en ik weet dat het jou ook gaat helpen. Het heet Canva: een gratis online tool om posters, flyers, kaartjes en socialmediaposts mee te designen. Het [...]
How to inspire people into action and start living the life of your dreams
Update 2021: I wrote this post several years ago. By now, I have a much more nuanced view. Then, I was on a Thai island, surrounded with online entrepreneurs, 'living the life'. I was into [...]
Stop selling your soul and start doing work that you love
Do you ever feel that in order to make money, you are selling your soul? I used to feel like that: ...When I was working for a company division where I didn't agree with their [...]
Addiction, self love and trust
I wrote this post speaking from my own personal experiences with addiction and from those of others who have been open enough to share their stories with me. If you are reading this, and [...]
On Tiny Habits (or: why pee wins where willpower fails)
Do you have the tiniest inclination to make a change in the way you spend your days? Then watch this video on creating Tiny Habits. It may change your life. For all the times you [...]
Fresh Apple, Lime & Mint Smoothie
Fruit is such a delight for both body and spirit. I have never eaten this much fruit in my life (have always been a big fan of veggies, though) and i feel great. Pure, connected, [...]
Mindmapping for beginners
Have you ever felt overloaded with thoughts and ideas? Was it ever hard for you to start writing on a report, presentation or project because there was so much going on in your head? Knowing [...]
How embracing resistance helps me to Get Things Done
There was a time in my life when i used to go to work every morning, crying and in despair. I did not want to be in this job anymore, but out of fear i [...]
WordPress-tip: Je dashboard opruimen
Houd jij je werkplek ook graag schoon? Is het je wel eens opgevallen dat je WordPress-dashboard standaard allerlei informatie toont waar je helemaal geen behoefte aan hebt als je gewoon een nieuwe blogpost wilt schrijven [...]
WordPress-tip: Een afbeelding in de zijbalk plaatsen
Vandaag kreeg ik een vraag van een klant: Ik wilde een foto vervangen op mijn website in de ‘sidebar blog’, maar dat is mislukt. Ik weet wel hoe je een foto in een pagina moet [...]
Chai Banana Smoothie
Drinking this smoothie brings them right back to me: memories of cozy Christmas times with family. Maybe that's my way to join you guys in cold and wintery Europe (and the rest of the northern hemisphere) in your holiday season. Of course, i'll especially miss my mum and sisters and their lovers and my little niece who will celebrate her first Christmas ever.
Fruit smoothie with coconut, mint & lime
Tropical? I know that for many of you it's cold and rainy right now. But there's a remedy! Try the combination of coconut and lime, close your eyes and you'll be in sunny paradise for a little while, i promise.
Settled in Thailand: gratitude
From the most awesome office in the world: thanks for all the cheers. Not just for my birthday but all of them. We both deeply appreciate your likes and shoutouts. You support us, teach us and inspire us.
Limiting money beliefs
A big motivator for being in Thailand, is money. I have some serious debts to deal with and living in and working from Thailand (waaaaay cheaper than Holland) is helping me clean my old mess and maintain a healthy balance, also financially.
Digital nomads & work life balance
Update: life goes on, things change and Judith and Marco are no longer together as a couple. We are still close friends but we both went our separate ways. We're in Thailand, carrying backpacks and [...]
Roots, nuts & fruits with fennel
Don't be depressed because the sky is grey, when there's mushrooms and clouds and brightly colored leafs to enjoy. The wind, the rain, the waving of the grass in the fields, the stormy sky... and [...]
Mindmappen: een simpele uitleg
Heel vaak raad ik klanten aan om hun ideeën in een mindmap uit te werken. Gisteren sprak ik sinds lange tijd Piet Hurkmans (mentor, trainer, toffe podcast), die tot mijn grote plezier (zonder dat we [...]
Ayahuasca: awakening the inner dancer
When you are dancing, how do you feel? Do you feel open, relaxed, radiant, strong, playful, in flow...? Or do you rather feel uneasy, insecure, comparing yourself to others? Maybe you only dance when you've [...]
Steamed broccoli & noodles + soto
Does this dish look dull to you? Let me tell you why i still find it exciting. One: it's sat in a bowl that was given to me by two very dear friends that same [...]
Fiery Chocolate Love Cake
I was watching a movie last night: Chocolat. I saw it years ago, had always remembered it but probably hadn't realized how much the film has affected my life. Here's how it goes: Vianne is [...]
Carrot coconut cashew soup
Enjoy this one raw or cooked. The cashews and coconut cream (santen) make for a delicious creaminess. I'd advise to prepare the soup a few hours or up to a day before serving. The ingredients [...]
Lemon ginger juice
Drool alert! Here's a quickie for everyone out there who owns a juicer: juice 10 lemons and 1-2 hand-sized pieces of ginger. Leave the lemon rind on (if it tastes bitter, find other lemons). The [...]
Mushroom foraging
Connecting with nature Have you ever foraged your own dinner? Have you gone into the fields or woods to collect plants or mushrooms for food? How did you like doing that? Let me tell you [...]
Springrolls met rauwe groenten en dip
Ik wou dat ik de tijd had genomen om een foto te maken die meer recht deed aan de knisperige, verse, nootachtige, zacht-en-toch-knapperige bite van deze schatjes. De waarheid is dat ik deze spring rolls [...]
Turmeric Coconut Cream
This recipe is for Turmeric Coconut Cream, which has concentrated flavors and a large amount of turmeric. It serves as a basis for turmeric milk: warm one or two teaspoons with a cup of (rice/nut/coconut) [...]
Location Independent Offices
Every time i work somewhere new, i try to make a nice picture. Here's an impression of the many views from my 'offices'. Will be updated regularly with new vistas. Location independent offices [...]
Vegan Spring Rolls
I wish i had taken the time to make a photo that did more justice to the crispy, fresh, nutty, soft-yet-crunchy bite of these darlings. The truth is i didn't realy make these spring rolls myself; i just put [...]
Declutter & Be Free
This is a sign of true freedom: if you know that you are home wherever you find yourself to be, even when there is nothing that's 'yours' anymore. A few years ago, i was couchsurfing [...]
We booked our dream!
YAAAY we just booked our next adventure!! THAILAND here we come <3. Sun and sand From November 2014 till January 2015, Marco's photography business and Juuth's website business will be brought to you from sunny [...]
Raw Avocado Lemon Pie
Alive Last week i found myself dancing, swimming and chilling out in Portugal, at the bi-annual Boom Festival. It was like a fairy tale, a soothing and hope inspiring experience of what life on earth [...]
Raw fruity tomato soup
If you think this soup looks pale, you're right. It did! However i'm sure it will give you a healthy blush, for it's packed with vitamins and fibers. One could say this is a gazpacho... yes, [...]
Wake up and make a change
Waking up Very early this morning, after just four hours of sleep, i woke up filled with inspiration. Got up at six to draw some mindmaps. The essence: (Re)create healthy habits. Journal (on it right [...]
Winter in the tropics – your advice please!
My love and i are planning to stay the winter overseas, where Christmas is sunny and where New Year's Eve is celebrated in bikini, with sandy toes. I feel so deeply happy and grateful to [...]
Sweet & Spicy Carrot Beetroot Salad
Ahhh yes this one is a classic, fun to make and a big winner - probably because of its nice warm flavors. I bought the ingredients already sliced in julienne. If you want to do [...]
Stuffed bell pepper
In my local Turkish shop, i found dried aubergines (eggplant) and bell peppers. Wow! They're very tasty and they look so festive, don't you think? Also, they're very handy to stock up in your cupboard. [...]
Ocean of consciousness
Just wanted to share this: "What if you are not nearly as limited as you were led to believe? What if you are vast enough to hold and contain all of life's energies, the 'positive' [...]
Making your soul smile
Mooji is a wise man. I love listening to his awakened teachings. They bring the mind to a natural rest and warm my heart.
Favorite foods in India – quick impression
Funnily, here's a very non-typical impression of the food we ate in India. Not representative, because there's a big one missing: CURRIES. In the land of curries, i managed to not photograph any of them. [...]
To ink or not to ink
CONFESSION: I loooove tattoos. My mother still believes it's the influence of my love, Marco. But I think we just share our wish to 'be naughty' and paint our bodies in many colors of the [...]
The Art of Asking – Amanda Palmer
When i saw this Ted Talk a little over a year ago, i felt so happy and inspired. To me, it's about following what you in your heart believe to be true and right, even [...]
Physical problems can be great teachers
Physical problems can be great teachers. Yesterday, i woke up with the sound of swooshing swords in my ears and a spinning sensation, especially whenever i looked to the right. Walking to the doctor, carefully [...]
Avocado and halloumi salad
As we all know, India is the holy land of curries (spiced everything dishes) and dhals (spiced lentil dishes). Little did i expect my first recipe after India to be about... simple avocado and Greek [...]
Cosy street art in Utrecht 2
Found this car in the same street where i found the wish envelope. I love my town. People who do original stuff like this - they inspire me and bring a smile to my face. [...]
Don’t compare
This cartoon really struck a chord with me. And now, every time i find myself comparing me to someone else (the someone else is usually better), i remind myself of it. We are all awesome. [...]
Cosy street art in Utrecht 1
A while ago i was cycling home through the streets of my hometown, Utrecht (The Netherlands). It was pitch dark, around midnight, and crossing the canal, under a street lantern i noticed the bridge railing [...]
Grill pan
Some time ago, i bought a grill pan at the second hand store. It's not really a pan, because it's double-sided like a sandwich maker. It looked completely clean and unblemished and i, having just [...]
3 easy ways to get your daily dose of veggies
Eating 2 pieces of fruit and 200 grams of veggies every day is easy! 1. Morning Smoothie Blend 1 apple, 0.5 banana, 0.5 stem of celery, 5 mm slice of ginger, handful of green leafy vegetables and a piece [...]
A wonderful year
The past year has been wonderful - literally full of wonders. Until the summer, i struggled a lot with work, often feeling behind schedule and not living up to my own standards. Still, inside, i [...]
Heavenly chocolate
This chocolate just makes me want to shout THANK YOU to the whole universe. Recipe for 6-12 portions of heavenly chocolate 6 if it's just the chocolate. 12 if you're dipping or joining with fresh [...]
WordPress: meerdere pagina’s of berichten tegelijk bewerken
Soms wil je iets veranderen aan je website op meerdere of zelfs alle pagina's of berichten tegelijk. Dat kan heel makkelijk, maar de functie zit een beetje verstopt. Toch is het heel handig om te [...]
Heartbreaking Poem
Read this poem by Debra Nystrom. The dynamic she describes is as ordinary as it is heartbreaking. Ordinary Heartbreak She climbs easily on the box That seats her above the swivel chair At adult height, [...]
Gáán met die banaan!
Volgens Seth Godin zijn de meeste mensen online net gorilla's: ze komen ergens nieuw binnen en alles wat ze denken, is: waar is die banaan? Aartjan van Erkel legt het in zijn boek Verleiden op [...]
Where The Hell Is Matt?
One of my all-time favorites. When i first saw this video, a big happy smile came to my face. For it shows shameless 'bad dancing' (Matt's own words) in places all over the world, crossing [...]
WordPress: de 4 basics waarmee je je website beschermt tegen hackers
Bericht van je hostingprovider: "We hebben je website offline gehaald, want er was onwaarschijnlijk veel verkeer op je website. Er is iets niet in de haak." Schrikken, ja. Helaas gebeurt het nog steeds, en de [...]
Liefde op het eerste gezicht
Een website bezoeken is een beetje als speeddaten. Het eerste wat bezoekers willen weten is: zit ik hier goed? Het is dus belangrijk om in die eerste seconden meteen de juiste indruk te maken. Eigenlijk [...]
WordPress: Menu’s aanmaken en pagina’s rangschikken
Deze video laat zien hoe je in WordPress een navigatiemenu aanmaakt, pagina's op volgorde zet en hoe je dropdowns (sub-pagina's) in het menu kunt zetten. Stap 1: Ga naar Weergave, Menu's en maak een menu [...]
WordPress-tip: spam voorkomen met Akismet
Akismet is dé manier om spamreacties op je WordPress-website te voorkomen. Hier leer je hoe dat werkt. Het proces is snel en simpel: Stap 1: Activeer de Akismet-plugin. Die zit standaard in je WordPressinstallatie meegeleverd. [...]
Social media
Hey ondernemer, ben je al flink op dreef, of zit het idee nog vooral in je hoofd? Zoek je creatieve geesten die je met je meedenken, of investeerders en hands-on partners die vermarkten wat jij [...]
Carrot Curry Soup
This is a great soup, a big hit in my kitchen whenever i make it, be it for myself or for a ceremony or event. It's vegan and delicious and if you have ever been [...]
Heartwarming quinoa
A few days ago, i found a leftover of soup in my fridge. I wanted to finish it, but felt like eating something more substantial than soup. I took a small oven dish and put [...]
How to open a coconut
Dear people, let me present to you: the easiest way to open a coconut and get the juice out and flesh out. It's safe (no axes, no nails) and clean. 1. Pour out the coconut juice (water) [...]
Groeien bij Seats2Meet
“Ondernemen is FUN!” lees je op de homepage van mijn website. Na drie jaar als zelfstandig ondernemer roep ik het met zo mogelijk nog meer overtuiging en plezier dan toen ik net begon. De heerlijkste conclusie: ik heb het niet alléén gedaan, maar heb op de juiste momenten de juiste mensen en plaatsen ontmoet, ontdekt en aangegrepen. Er is één plaats niet weg te denken uit de levensloop van en Seats2Meet in Utrecht, het bruisende moederschip van alle S2M-vestigingen in Nederland.
Gazpacho: Spanish cold tomato soup
You know that camping feeling? Living with little, in a tent or caravan, wearing flip flops to the toilet, wet grass tickling your toes... That's me right now! Not because i'm on holiday, but just because [...]
Zeg altijd JA
Zeg eens "Ja"? Lekker hè? "Ja" opent deuren. Het trekt mondhoeken omhoog en legt kansen bloot. "Nee" doet het tegenovergestelde. Probeer vandaag maar eens op alles JA te zeggen. Op ieder idee van jou of [...]
Zucchini spaghetti
A week and a half ago i met superchef Michael in an ayahuasca workshop. I'm not sure whether it was his fantastic guitar music and drumming and singing, or his wild ginger hairdo, his wonderful [...]
Automatische backup van je WordPress-site
Let op: dit bericht is verouderd. Op dit moment raad ik een nieuwe backupplugin aan: BackupWordPress. Kun jij je laptop stante pede trashen als je er een gloednieuwe voor terugkrijgt? Of ben je dan te [...]
Basics of juicing: avocado-apple-kiwi juice
My best kitchen purchase ever: a juicer. A bought it a year ago and have been using it about every two days. Superhealthy and really, really delicious. Friends love it, too. Here are some good-to-knows, [...]
Grilled zucchini with mozzarella
Wonderful and healthy quick side dish. A great one if you own a contact grill. Cut the zucchini in slices and sprinkle with some salt. Let the juices come out while you cut the onion [...]