Project Description

Ayahuasca is a strong medicine and drinking the tea is only the beginning of your journey. Especially if you are having a hard time after a ceremony, we warmly invite you to reach out. We are experienced guides and helpers and can help you find perspective, trust and strength.

You may wonder how to integrate, communicate or even take good care of ‘the new you’. You probably experience life, your family, work in a new light and wonder how to ever explain what it is that you saw.

It also happens that people feel there is something unfinished, or something they can not get to grips with. If this is the case for you, coming to one of our meetups or workshops or booking a private session can help.

During a face to face or online coach call, Judith can help you relax and gain clarity on a practical, cognitive and emotional level.

Breathing session or drum journey
If you feel you have ‘unfinished business’, a breathing session or spirit drum journey may bring you back or invite a deeper understanding.

There also is a ‘secret’ Living Ayahuasca Facebook group. You can request to become a member by connecting with Jan or Judith (please introduce yourself in a private message).

“You helped me to bring up courage and break through.”

“You touch people in a compassionate and energizing manner. Your way of being makes you able to reach many people and give them what they need to take their next step.”