Jeff Foster: “Trauma, thank you for protecting me”
TRAUMA, THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING ME Here's the main thing you have to understand about trauma: it wants to keep you hidden. Why? It's [...]
Heerlijk vezelrijk noten-zadenbrood met venkelzaad
Een tijdje geleden was ik op retraite bij Eva Driessen. Daar kregen we door keukenprinses Hilde de Leeuw een fantastisch noten-zadenbrood voorgeschoteld. In mijn [...]
Oven vegetables in pesto sauce
I love using the oven: it's so easy to just mix all the ingredients and have the oven work it's magic. Especially since I [...]
Green vegan pesto with fresh herbs
Bear leek (EN), daslook (NL), Bärlauch (D). We see it more and more in the 'wild' here in Holland and luckily, in Germany, it [...]
Vegan bacon alternative
I used to love the taste of crunchy bacon. Now that I eat mostly vegan, I truly don't fancy the pig aspect so much [...]
Sweet potato stuffed vegetables
A perfect example of a vegan dish which has everything you need in a healthy diet. Vegetables, legumes, nuts: fibers, vitamins, healthy carbs and [...]
Potato crush… crunch!
Or, as the Italians would say: PATATE SCHIACCIATE. But that second word looks pretty daunting so I'll leave it at potatoe crush, because that's [...]
Beetroot & blueberry smoothie bowl
I tend to have food phases, where I eat lots of the same type of food for some time, then move on to something [...]
‘We do not need a pandemic to #movethedate’ (maar het helpt wel)
"In 2020, the pandemic-induced lockdown measures around the world slowed human activity down. As a consequence, the date of Earth Overshoot Day – when [...]
Wholewheat bread with pumpkin seeds, raisins & banana
I love bread, especially wholewheat with lots of seeds. Really good bread tastes best with only olive oil and salt, some salted butter or [...]
ABC-smoothie bowl (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot & more)
I've had this smoothie for breakfast almost every day in the last two weeks. Temporary crazes are part of my life :). This healthy [...]
You are not vulnerable
The joy when you were five and got a new bicycle. The shock when you broke your arm when you were eight. The thrill [...]
Conscious connected breathing: technique and effects
If you are familiar with breathwork, you have probably heard of the conscious connected breath. You may know it by a different name, but [...]
3 breath visualisations: ease your mind, open your heart, step into action
Three breathful visualisations for you today: Ease your mind Open your heart Step into action You can choose to do them separately as you [...]
Stop believing your mind (read The Untethered Soul)
“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind - you are the one [...]
Diapers: cloth or disposable?
In short: we use both. We've had cloth diapers from the start but ended up hardly using them at first because (even in size [...]
Use your B.R.A.I.N.
This video actually comes from the hypnobirthing online course that we took but it is a life hack for everybody, not just parents-to-be :). [...]
The Positive Birth Company online hypnobirthing course rocks
I will share about our 'positive birth' in detail at a later time, but here is a golden tip for any pregnant couple wanting [...]
Breast feeding: clear and wonderful how-to video
This is a wonderful video. It is very helpful for an important part of parenting: feeding your baby the very best nutrition available and [...]
Dunstan Baby Language: it works
According to Priscilla Dunstan and a group of researchers who back her personal findings, babies all over the world make a select group of [...]
Diaper free (Dutch: BZC)
Most baby’s around the world don’t wear diapers and while many people don’t know it yet, a baby of around 1-2 years with full [...]
Conscious activism
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - Gandhi Conscious activism is enlightened activism. It is acting from [...]
Raw tomato and bell pepper gazpacho
One delicious daily dose of veggies in a cup 🙂 1 tomato 1/2 bell pepper 1 small garlic clove 4 basil leaves 1/2 teaspoon [...]
Kale chips
If you have never tried these, please do! So simple and delicious. And healthy! Great for iron. Just go easy on the salt. Massage [...]