
I write about many different things. It started out as an online recipe book for friends an family who appreciated my cooking, and evolved into an online journal with subjects I care deeply about. May you enjoy reading some of these articles, and please feel free to share them with others who may benefit.

Yoga & breathwork

The 4-8 relaxation breath

I'm sure you have heard of the fight or flight response. That's when your adrenaline spikes, sending superhuman power to your arms and feet and razor sharp focus to your mind set to one thing: survive. Your breathing speed and [...]

The Peace Portal

I wanted to share something with you which has changed my life and could change yours. Have you ever heard of The Presence Process? It's a book. And more than that, (you guessed it) it's a process. It is a [...]

Breastfeeding in mindfulness

Breastfeeding is a beautiful moment between me and my baby. A precious moment to rest, connect, and exchange. During breastfeeding, there is a direct energy connection between the baby and mother. Skins touch, hormones soar, reflexes act, milk flows. It [...]

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Art of living

Water pouring into water

Pondering the unspeakable And how to speak of it A thought comes: Life gave me life Water pouring into water [...]

Liberated from prison

One of my teachers, the beloved Ananta Kranti, was liberated while doing time in a Japanese prison. The intense regime [...]

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Boektip: Permacultuur in je moestuin

Sinds ik geïnteresseerd raakte in permacultuur heb ik vele video's gekeken (bijvoorbeeld deze), een gratis online introductiecursus permacultuur gedaan, overal waar ik kwam mijn ogen en oren gebruikt om meer te leren én alvast een beetje geoefend met de basisconcepten. Hier en daar heb ik zelfs de wijsneus uitgehangen met [...]

Toch geen tiny house voor ons bij Calimero

Deng. Het plan waarvoor wij een aantal maanden lang helemaal gingen, gaat voor ons niet door. Jan en ik zijn afgelopen week uit Calimero gestapt. De vereiste investering is significant gestegen ten opzichte van de kostenraming op basis waarvan we zijn ingestapt. Dit maakte voor ons, aan het einde van [...]

See all articles in Eco-living


Mama circle

Are you pregnant (like me!) and would you in the coming weeks like to: Share with others Connect with your innate power Clear blockages and unhelpful patterns Prepare for a free birth And above all enjoy a mix of yoga, dance and breath? Starting next weekend I will host a [...]

The 4-8 relaxation breath

I'm sure you have heard of the fight or flight response. That's when your adrenaline spikes, sending superhuman power to your arms and feet and razor sharp focus to your mind set to one thing: survive. Your breathing speed and heart rate go up. Blood flow is redirected from some [...]

Parenting with Presence (book tip)

A little while ago, a friend had been cradling our then 13 month old daughter as she was struggling to sleep. "She required nothing but complete presence," he said afterwards, "or she would cry." Indeed, when he picked up a book, she would wake up and cry. For her to [...]

Breastfeeding in mindfulness

Breastfeeding is a beautiful moment between me and my baby. A precious moment to rest, connect, and exchange. During breastfeeding, there is a direct energy connection between the baby and mother. Skins touch, hormones soar, reflexes act, milk flows. It is a deeply intuitive process that taps into the most [...]

See all articles in Parenting

Travel & digital nomading

I wrote some of these posts many years ago, in another lifetime, when I was still together with my ex, Marco. The posts no longer reflect our current situation, although we are still very good friends. I want to keep the posts for good memories, for archive, and because they can still be helpful to readers.
I now have a beautiful family together with Jan and our lovely daughter Lua. You can read all about them higher up in my blog timeline ;).

Simple medicine: chamomile

After journeying through tropical Costa Rica and Brazil for months, I thoroughly enjoyed the late Winter snow and early Spring sun rays in Holland during the last couple of weeks. The cold Dutch ground and early flowering trees helped me integrate the intense travel experiences and reaffirm my career and [...]

Santiago de Compostela (Summer in a VW campervan IV)

After Bilbao, we roamed around in Santiago de Compostela for a few days. The Camino de Santiago (Latin: Peregrinatio Compostellana, Galician: Camiño de Santiago), also known by the English names Way of St. James, St. James's Way, St. James's Path, St. James's Trail, Route of Santiago de Compostela,[1] and Road to [...]

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